Thursday, February 26, 2009

You woke up, said a prayer and went to work or school today, doing the things you need to do. You had a meeting with a friend about work to be done and noticed they looked unhumanly tired; you almost wish they could take a nap versus meeting with you. For lunch, you went to a quiet spot to get away from it all, despite the invite to sit with two friends. Besides, you'll see them later. Right now, your head is spliting. Back to your schedule, with the end of the day seeming further than before. More work, less energy and someone randomly asking you for directions to the library. Weird but whatever. Finally! It's time to go home. Uph... gotta stop by the store and grab some groceries. Why are the lines so long??? The lady behind me accidentally jacks my ankle with her basket while removing items and placing it on a candy shelf nearby. I guess she's cutting back and watching her budget; the economy IS rough. Can't wait to get home, change and rest in some worship music. Walk in the door... there, on my couch, was a disfigured and grotesque being that appeared as a man-animal, dressed in misfit clothing!!! Who are you??!! What are you doing in my house??

"Who are you, that you should think more highly of yourself than you ought to? I was weak and wanting to die, but you didn't provide prayer for strength or life. I was in need of Godly counsel, but you said you were busy and went off to be alone. I wanted more than physical directions to the library- spiritual guidance- but you hastily turned back to your work. I needed to feed my 3 kids with little money or lose them, but I never heard your voice speak to me or knew your name.

"I was five people sent to receive the message of God's grace through you... but I never heard it. I was five people sent to receive the salvation of the Lord through you... but never saw it. I was five people doomed to eternal hell, sent to YOU to receive one last chance of God's grace... but never got it.

I was five people waiting for the God in you to speak eternal life to me... but now? I'm the manifestation of those five people being consumed in hell."

If it were so... who did you help send to heaven TODAY?

Who did you help send to hell?

1 comment:

Jere_B said...

This is so awesome!! It make you want to rethink your life and I know I don't do it enough but I need to and will start telling more of God's grace on my life. Glory to God!!

You are truley His Vessel!!!