Saturday, April 18, 2009


It's one of the most overused, abused, misunderstood yet POWERFUL words in the English language... in the world. Put "Jesus Christ's" or "God's" before it, and you step into a realm never felt before or able to be completely grasped in a life time. Yet, why do so many reject it? Why are so many not wanting to experience it? There are so many reasons, a common one being that God's love is TOO phenomenal to be real.

Well... is not God phenomenal? Why would He give us something average or mediocre? Something anyone could copy and get right the first time in order to abuse it? Nah... God's a sovereign ruler who knows our ins and outs, recognizing our need for His grace, mercy... and unconditional, unfailing love. So how much is it going to cost you? What are you willing to give to get or obtain a love that will supercede what you think love is or how it felt? God's love through Jesus Christ?

That all depends on how bad you want it. Is it worth giving it all?

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