To Parents Who are Believers of Jesus Christ,
In the world, prom season has begun for some of your sons/daughters or is about to. I have to share with you that, more so in the last two weeks than before, I have become grieved with my spiritual family's mindset concerning this "event." Yes, I went to prom in 2002 as a senior, but I had not had a REAL encounter with God to say "no." I am a mother now of a son, and with me knowing who God has called him to be, my mindset is being renewed and transformed about the ways of this world but more so my greater God.
As believers, you must have the conviction that your child is not your own. Psalm 127:3 says that children are a gift and a reward from God. They are first and foremost God’s sons and daughters and that, according to Proverbs 22:6, you are admonished to point/train them to go in the right direction so they can be God-honoring citizens of His kingdom… righteous sons and daughters. The example God gave us was the way He trained His son- Jesus. Jesus walked on the narrow road and was known to do things radically different from the societal norm, beginning at the age of 12. As believers, if our example is to be Jesus and we are to train our kids to follow the same direction as him, what are we saying when we say, “Yes! Let’s get ready for prom!!!”???
The promenade dance/prom is a secular event of which the sexually immoral, drunkard and perverse spirits run ramped. Not only this, but materialism, greed and self-centeredness are put into play as girls look for the “best” dress, the “best” hairstyle, the “best” accessories, etc. (and vice versa for guys) so that they can receive attention for what they have on, not necessarily for how their personalities are (if that were a factor). These things are all sins and according to Romans 6:23, the wages of sin is death. It doesn’t take a know-it-all to find out what events can and do occur on prom night, whether it’s drug use or sexual activity. When Christian parents succumb to the whining of their children and so-called pressure to help their kids “enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime experience," they are announcing to God their kids are their own and training them to operate in sin and prepare to die.
Note: Whether you fear your son/daughter's reaction to you saying "no" to prom or what other parents or co-workers think, the reality is... you fear man's opinion about you more than you fear God and His standards for His sons/daughters. Man-pleasing is a sin; look at what happened to Saul. I've just realized, for the past 26 years of my life, I've been pleasing man. What a wake-up call...
Yes, MANY schools have a prom or end of year dance, but MANY schools do not. Yes, MANY girls and boys go to prom, but MANY do not. As believers who are gifted with sons and daughters, we must understand what 1 Corinthians 10:23 is really saying, “You say, “I am allowed to do anything” —but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.” Prom may be permitted at schools, but it is NOT beneficial for your child as a son or daughter gifted from God. Do not allow your self-sufficiency or desire to please man (whether child or friend) plant seeds of sin and permit the shedding of your sons and daughters’ blood to be on your hands. YOU are the parent and God is holding YOU responsible to “come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you” 2 Corinthians 6:17.
Please be honest with your heart before God about this issue. After you get over your fears and list of rules you plan on giving them that night, really stop and ask yourself... WHY AM I letting her/him go to prom?
Crying Out for an Awakening,
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