Monday, June 29, 2009

My sister and I just returned from the RAMP in Hamilton, Alabama...

... that's not even enough blank space for me to fill with words, screams, tears and everything else that could possibly come out of me to express what happened in that small town. One thing I do know- I am not sliding down that RAMP!!!!!!

God supernaturally blessed The Furnace to rent a travel bus and take almost 50 kids, teenagers, young adults and the like to Summer Ramp II. Pastor Joshua, on the way to the Ramp asked us to go expecting God in a way like never before and with that expectancy, know that the greater it is, God will meet that expectation and allow us to hit the Ramp so hard that it launches us to a place in God that goes beyond our expectations. With this, I just kept decreeing Ephesians 3:20-21... that God is my satisfier and that He would do exceedingly and abundantly above all I could ever ask or think concerning the encounter awaiting us at the Ramp... for HIM to get all of the glory out of it all!

Matthew 7:7-8 7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Man... did Abba Father ever answer, give and allow us to find Him! Even in sitting here, I'm struggling with how to even BEGIN to talk about what happened... YOU JUST HAVE TO GO FOR YOURSELF!! The glory of God was so heavy Thursday night that within worship, God invaded our hearts and consumed everyone present. The music completely stopped and all you could hear were the praises and cries of youth from AROUND THE WORLD for HOURS. I can honestly thank the ministry for not having an agenda and allowing the Spirit to move in a way that set so many people free... even Damion and other evangelists said they had not seen or heard anything like this in at least 10 years! I thank God Pastor Joshua was obedient in terms of when we were to go to the Ramp. When you enter an atmosphere where so many young and older people are SO thirsty and hungry for God, God is bound to present Himself in a way that eyes have not seen nor ears heard. The consuming fire and glory of God set my sister and Pastor Joshua's cousin free to run after God with all of their heart.

As prophesied, this is the beginning of an awakening that is coming to the land. There is no more room for compromise... no more gray areas. The divide has been established and is ripping the hearts of the nations to make a decision: to choose eternal life in Christ or eternal death in Hell. There is only ONE way to God, Jesus Christ, who was not complacent in walking past the hurt, the lost, the sick or the possessed. He was not desiring of living the way the Pharisees/the religious/the world thought He should live. Walking by faith, He fulfilled the very will of His Father in CONSISTENCY and became a magnetic force to be reckoned with for the lame, blind, bleeding, possessed, paralytic and so many more. In His life, Jesus revealed that there is something so much greater and better than money, sex, drugs, alcohol, work... an addiction that would be the only thing to satisfy what these things were never created to... an addiction to God through Him. It's time out for "Just Say(ing) No" to the things we run to that temporarily satisfy us... it's time to say "YES" to Jesus, Abba Father/Daddy/God, and the Holy Spirit. This will take us from a place of saying, "oh, it's going to get better" to a place of COMPLETION IN THE WORD OF GOD. Why settle for endurance through the pain when you can be healed because Jesus said you ARE healed by His stripes??

Abba Father loved you too much to see you remain where you are, which is why He sent Jesus to pay the price for your sins before you were even thought about in your parents' minds. How could a Man you've never seen love you so much to die for you? It's unexplainable and not for you to figure out... but the gift of His love is here waiting for you. Awake, awake o sleeper to see the love of Jesus Christ and encounter a Daddy like none other. What else has to happen or occur in your life for you to wake up before you are eternally dead? Let God be your addiction and I PROMISE YOU... you will never be the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DO IT GOD!!!! The awakening has begun and no one can stop it. Religion will not stop it. Religion will bow and submit to it and either convert to the agenda of Jesus or get burned up in the flame of it. God has sounded the alarm and the youth are listening. It is time to rebel against anything that does not look like and act like the heart of our God. Young people---WAKE UP and LETS DO THIS!!!!