Thursday, July 02, 2009

Cape Fear Valley Medical Center

God's had my Papa (mother's dad) on my heart for quite some time. So without any further delays and an open day to travel, I went to go see him in Fayetteville at Cape Fear. To my dismay, when I got there, he had already checked out! I call my aunt and wait to hear back from her. While waiting, I sat under this HUGE oak tree on-site; it was beautiful! I so wanted to climb it, but I figured my legally clean record should try to stay clean. I spent some time with Abba Father and got a few words of encouragement for Pastor which I texted to her. One thing she asked me when she called was to hear what the roots of the oak tree were, so I meditated on that (God revealed that through a piece drawn during worship service; incredible!). All of a sudden, I remembered a testimony about a young person sitting in an emergency room all day to see people walk out due to healing. I decided then, "Since I'm here, why not partner with the Holy Spirit?" I got a few clues- sandy red/gold/white haired lady, zebra print and more- and knew where I was headed- the ER.

I sat in the ER and just looked around, reminding myself of the clues in my book. Suddenly, I realized I was looking at the sandy red/gold/white haired lady. This was new to me because I've never gotten a clear face in treasure hunting. After some "Is that her?" moments, I got up and sat beside her and asked for her name- Maria. She allowed me to pray with her and God said to pray for inner healing and tell her "she's not abandoned." She bursts into tears and, after telling me she got bit by a dog, said she had loved Jesus but felt like she had been abandoned... wanted to just give up... that she had held in so much stuff all these years and sometimes didn't see the point of living. I allowed Holy Spirit to minister to her through the love of Jesus Christ, letting her know she was so heavily thought of that Abba specifically placed her on my heart to find today. He wanted and desired after her so much more than she realized. I can't remember the entire conversation, but her phone rang, so she went out to answer it. I can honestly say I feel just a portion of how God feels when one of His beloveds remembers His love for them... it's a high like no other. *smile*

On the flip side... I waited for Maria to come back. I was still conscious of my clues and then saw one of them on an elderly lady- zebra print scarf. She walked past me, talking to herself, came back and then sat down in Maria's seat beside me. For two days in a row now, I've asked Holy Spirit to show me who's on His heart, and this was the 2nd elderly lady He had given me (older= 70+). I didn't do what I was supposed to with the zebra print lady, and TRUST... I've had to severely repent for my discriminatory mindset. I called myself so wrapped up in reaching young ones that I didn't think the elderly "needed" a Word. The fleshly mindset of selfishness, deception and discrimination is so disgusting and grieves the Spirit. :( So... with an open heart, whether it be young or elderly, I'm going to be obedient and look to carry Light to whoever God's treasures may be. I encourage you to do the same. You never know who may be on the brink of giving it all up... even their very life.

**Oh yeah! I found my Papa back at the nursing home in town. Determined to wheel himself over 130 miles to his original hometown, he finally settled for a shady spot outside where we talked for about 30-40 minutes. He finally wanted to get in the bed and rest. Despite the repeated questions due to his memory, my papa is well. I liked being their with just me and him because I was able to hear what he dreamed of doing still, despite his ailments. I love him... that's my Papa.

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