Thursday, July 09, 2009

Time to catch up... Day 3- Day 6

Hey Everyone! God is SO faithful. :) I'll make this quick (so much to do!):

I didn't work on the art ministry or anything Saturday and definitely not Sunday. Monday, Day 3- an "eh" day; didn't get out of bed quick enough and was honestly frustrated with the name thing. Much prayer and quiet time; little work.

*Mind you, I'm moving next week and am no where near packed.*

Day 4 (7/7/09... WOWOW)- an early day as I had an appointment and errands to run. To prepare for ministry at CTF this Sunday, we've been having practice every night this week, so I'm usually up until 2am working. **My commitment- no fewer than 4 hours everyday dedicated to art ministry. My flesh is dying from laziness and procrastination. *smile** We had prayer and soaking afterwards and wouldn't you know? GOD GAVE ME THE NAME OF THE ART MINISTRY!!! CREator just asked me to write the purpose of His ART through me- why I lIVE to draw. He then gave me words that fused together and ignited my SPIRIT. I returned home and worked on the logo until 1am. I LOVE MY DADDY!

Day 5 (7/8/09... ever-promising *smile*)- No art today b/c I gotta get boxes; who knew it'd be so difficult to get those brown things? I've packed 4 boxes, a hand bag and a suitcase. So, my closet is basically empty besides random stuff at the top and a few hanging items. Still purging papers. So tiresome/annoying. Best part of the day? Talking with one of Emmanuel's little brothers and encouraging him in truth about where he is and how near Abba Father is. Doesn't matter where are brothers and sisters are geographically-speaking... an encouraging Word can really go the distance and change things spiritually-speaking. *Oh yeah... I'm slaughtering the monkey of rejection on my back (re: the Ramp). I AM under spiritual authority.

Day 6 (today)- More work on the logo and typing up of descriptions. It's been interesting to see the growth from then to now. I have practice in about 2 hours. Think I'm gonna make tonight an early one; busy day today and tomorrow.

... oh yeah, you want to know what the name is and what the logo looks like. Still working on it, but I'll make sure you get to see it soon enough. I have to take every step in obedience in the meantime. WE LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not sure if he coined this, but a few weeks ago a "young" man said, "Jesus loves you... and there's NOTHING you can do about it." I love it. Thanks for reminding me to share that message with my little bro and sis. I forget that they need to hear it. Thank you God, for renewed mercies daily.